Posted by: mymummyisthebest | March 16, 2006

The book of Heaven is so Real

This is the Book of Heaven is So Real!

It’s really very real! Inside this book you can’t find the answer! and you also can know that how much our Lord is Love us!

Hi! Everyone did you read this book already! Heaven is so real… This book is author by Choo Thomas. It’s about her personal story of how she saw the Living Christ, Visited Hell, and Walked in Heaven.

Then the Journeys began.. The Lord himself took her to heaven 17 different times, in her transformed spirit body, at an age of about 15 to 16 years old and showed her countless things in heaven that the Lord has prepared for His People, and showed her the hell in twice. The Lord also showed her things during the time of the tribulation, after the Lord took His people to heaven. After end of all these vision, the Lord Jesus also showed her the rapturing..

The Lord fullfilled 100% of each and every promise The Lord made to her for this book, step by step from beginning to end of publishing. She only wrote down what the Lord showed her and told her. This book is a great tool for the salvation of souls. This Heaven is so real is Our Lord’s end time book.. The Lord wants all believers and unbelievers to read it and prepare for His coming.. Amen… Praise the Lord!

Don’t wait anymore.. Faster to get one copies for yourself!!!


  1. Pls read with discernment..

  2. Hi guys, I believe JESUS loves us and HE wants us to enjoy HIS love. I believe JESUS wants us to focus on Him and not on this… I think we should put this behind us and get moving …. no offense to any brethen or sisters who submit their sincere views on this topic. Given a thought about it. This book definitely is beneficial to some readers in a certain way. We believe in faith & grace. Simply said…u can say this book is a stern reminder or warning to those want to abuse faith & grace. Yes, there are certain things in the book which we might not understand. But that doesn’t mean what stated inside make no sense. I mean let’s us not judge the book nor the author. Even though there comments who disagree with the author but they do not doubt the sincerity of the author. There is certain thing I don’t understand. If satan disguise himself just
    to get this book publish. Just want to get the Christians focus on law and not grace ? Just want to make Christians fearful ?

    The book mentioned of paying tithe, fellowship with other believers, spending time with our LORD in prayer & in HIS Word. Do you know the book even menioned about witnessing & evangelism
    Isn’t all this will cause one not only to enjoy HIS love but also will invite non-believers to Him as well ? Satan repented ? I read books from faith believing authors as wel. Isn’t well respected preachers like Charles Capps, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland believe in tithing too ?

    I dun know if the author has disillusioned herself but I do know there are things in the book make sense.

    Have any one read about near death experience ? Including those believers’ experience. Those Christians who experience near death did mentioned certain things which I felt were similiar to
    what the author( Choo Thomas) had witnessed. I doubt Choo Thomas copied from those experience. She saw a large group of people pack together but yet they seem alone in the group.
    These people were depressed and seemed rejected. ( This was similiar to the one of those experience – One person saw a large group – those who committed sucide)
    Sure, this wasn’t mentioned in the bible.

    How about evangelist Reinhard Bonnke who relate the experience of a Pastor who return to life from death.

    That african pastor witnessed another pastor in hell – stolen money from the church.

    Does that mean it contradict the bible …. NO !{English-Intl}/[singapore_site]/home.asp

    I find that ultimately we should not focus on this anymore. I read and find those who contributed their views here are sincere. I agree. What is beneficial to us we should apply it. Things which we find that are not, just ignore it …rather than trying to reason with it. One experience which may differ from another. This book is totally different from the Da Vinci Code. Let’s not the evil one
    take opportunity to tempt us ; to waste time and disunite the believers.

  3. Hi! Cyberanger

    Thanks for your discrenment. I had read all the comments already.

    I personally find that we shouldn’t to hurt of each others loh.. This book the author Sister Thomas Choo has been mentioned already that all this things is our Jesus Christ want us to know it, so she publish the book and let the whole world of ppl to know the Lord Jesus Kingdom and his promise.

    Anyway, different ppl and different spirit will get the different gift rite. Might be you can’t really flow with this book maybe your holy spirit is another special gifts rite..

    Even we read the bible, sometimes other ppl will get the wrong meaning from the bible.. some of ppl is dislike to read the bible and will fall in sleep and nothing intresting but some of ppl will flow with the words God and have greatly bless with all words God inside bible..

    Anyway, We shouldn’t to keep on disagreement of this matters because we also know that Jesus is Love us and we alos love him.. we shouldn’t have any argument for his work and doubt for his love. We have love one anothers.

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