Posted by: mymummyisthebest | February 15, 2008

Teng Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike MeterFamily tree researchFamily reunion

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | January 27, 2008

Baby Matthias is born

Halleluya ! Praise our LORD ! My lovely baby Matthias Teng Carwyn is born. Both my husband & me has been thrilled & excited since I was pregnant. The joy was indescrible when I heard his cry when he was released from my womb. The child name came to my mind and I believe is from GOD. The meaning of his name already confirmed it. Matthias means “Gift of the LORD “. The added name Carwyn was initiated from my Hubby. Carwyn means “Blessed Love” Indeed, we are truly blessed. We have received abundant gifts from our loved ones and friends in celebration of the birth of Matthias. His Chinese name is “Ding Jia Yong”. It highlight family love & eternity.

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | December 11, 2007


Posted by: mymummyisthebest | November 13, 2007

Really missed her.. and wish that she still here…

Today, my mother in law try to help me tidy up my fridge so easy to find the tonic too cook for me.. then she bring out a lot of tonic.. it’s my mum that time bought for me… I see all the tonic.. my tears is can’t be control… that time i asked myself don’t cry girl… but I can’t control it.. I really missed her.. and wish that she still here.. and see my son… but I know the facts that she is not here anymore… Mum, I really missed you… I really wish that you still around… then I can talk to you.. hug you.. love you… Why she have to leave us in this time.. why so early she have to leave us…. Mum, I really missed you….

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 23, 2007

Lord, Where is my Mum now?

Today morning on my way to work, I think of my mum.. I still remember that last time I always talk to her on the phone when I’m on my way go to work.. When she in Singapore that time, she always accompany me walk to the work and bring Wesley together.. I really missed those day with her..

On my way go to work that time, Inside my heart has been shout out, Lord Where is my mum Now? Lord, I really missed her… Where is she now? Would us meet again… She really in heaven now? How is she now? I really wish that I can hug and kiss her now.. I know I should let go..  If she know that I’m so sad, she also no peace and unhappy but I really very missed her… Lord, Can you teach me how to do… Can tell me where is my mum now? can tell me why she have to leave me so early.. Why she can’t be stay more longer with us…

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 15, 2007

Dream of my lovely mum…

I dream of my lovely mum again.. A lot of ppl tell me that I’m too missed of her.. that why i always dream of her..

This time I dream of her that she alive again.. She come back and alive again and come to singapore.. I really wish that it’s not a dream.. It’s real life.. but i know it’s can’t be changed.. this is the facts… 😦

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 9, 2007

Missed the day with my lovely mum

I really missed those day with my lovely mum.. I really missed her voice, missed her face and missed her everything..

Why she will leave us so sudden??? I really wish that she still around. Let me to love her more.. and take care of her..

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 9, 2007

Dream of my lovely mum again…

Last night, I dream of my lovely mum again.. I really happy that I can see her in my dream again and again..

Inside the dream, she haven’t die but we all thought that she is die already.. Actually, she come to life again from her death.. I very happy to see her inside my dream.. I didn’t talk much with her inside the dream.. but find that the last night dream is like hide and seek.. hemmm…

I find that, Until today I still cannot accept the facts that my mum is forever leave us.. I really wish that she still around.. She still with me.. I really missed of her..

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 5, 2007

35th Weeks pregnancy..

The time files so fast.. It’s October now.. I’m in the 35th week pregnancy… still have 5weeks to go my baby is arriaved… hemmm… really wish that my mum is still here.. so she can accompany for my this pregnancy.. Mum, I very missed you..

Posted by: mymummyisthebest | October 2, 2007

Angry of my stupid boss again…

I really wish that my maternity leave getting nearer.. so I can leave this office soon.. I really don’t understand why I can stand of him so long? Don’t know why everyday I also dont’ wish talk to him.. Do you think that he know it that we all dislike him? I think he know it.. but he skin too thick already.. until he no feeling…

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